The SchoolThe Scuola di Studi Superiori Ferdinando Rossi of the University of Turin (SSST) is an institution of excellence and higher education for University Studies, which started on November 2009.
The primary aim of the School, also named School of Government, is to educate future leaders, able to address the world's most urgent problems and challenges. The SSST courses prepare students for careers with high responsibility positions, either in government, in non-governmental organizations or in the private sector.
The main educational purpose is to form a new, modern governing class, characterized by multidisciplinary competencies, capable of exercising directive functions and to manage the complexity.
Our conviction is that a deep knowledge of human and natural sciences is crucial to understand the actual world situation and its progressive transformation from the economic, politic, social, geophysical and bio-anthropological points of view.
The higher education program is thus aimed at providing the students with specific skills, required to identify, understand and effectively solve newly-emerging problems oin the continuously evolving society.
The goal is achieved through a solid interdisciplinary training, in order to give a global vision of the present world, the society, the individuals and the nature.
The School is organized in two classes:
- The Government and the Human Sciences
- The Government and the Natural Sciences
Students have to enroll in one of the two Classes, but can also follow courses and seminars of other classes or inter-class courses.
The SSST scholars are students from all degree courses of the University of Turin, selected on merit criteria through competitive national exams.
The students of the SSST are hosted at no expenses in the Colleges of the University of Turin, are exempted from paying University taxes, and are awarded an annual scholarship from the SSST.
The SSST students must comply with the following didactic duties:
- complete all exams in due time (within the academic year);
- pass every exam with a mark not less than 24/30;
- achieve an average mark at the end of every year of at least 27/30.
For the 2018/19 Academic Year will be selected:
- Thirty students, enrolled into the two classes, at the 1st year of all degree courses of the University of Turin.
Information on Organization and Structure of SSST and its offering are available on the "Structure and organization of the courses" and the "School Regulations" sections
To contact the School:
Tel: +39 011 670 2962 or 2960