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Islands as models to study biological diversity and socio-ecosystems resilience in a changing world (II SEM) (visiting)


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Codice attività didattica
INT 1577
Dominique Bruno Strasberg (Referente)
Corso di studio
Corso SSST
Secondo semestre
A scelta dello studente
3 (18 ore)
SSD attività didattica
BIO/05 - zoologia

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

The course will bring to students an overview of island characteristics and historical importance in humanities and sciences, with a pluri-disciplinary approach of its importance in literature, geography, sociology, economics and environmental sciences. The focus on islands as laboratories will help in explaining how global changes are working in synergia and how they are impacting societies and ecosystems. Based on regional case studies, the student will analyse some published documents of data set to propose solutions that can be developed to tackle the ongoing changes impacting societies and biological diversity on islands. Examples of concrete actions to restore ecosystems or prevent future negative impacts of the Anthropocene activities will be included in the discussion.




Module 1 

Teaching staff : Dominique Strasberg 


The course will first give an introduction to the importance of islands as natural laboratories to understand ecological and evolutionary processes that build up ecosystems and biological diversity. It will highlight the geographical characteristics of different island types, oceanic and continental (mountains, lakes, …) and fragmented habitats functioning like islands. Because islands are particularly vulnerable to global changes and anthropogenic disturbances such as deforestation, defaunation, climate and land use changes, and biological invasions the second part of the course will deal with islands as models to better understand the drivers of global changes. We will analyse case studies from islands to address key issues like : the resilience of socio-ecosystems to natural disturbance like volcanism, hurricanes, drought and fire; the role of climatic fluctuations and human practices on land use changes; the impact of biological invasions and breakdown of geographic barriers.


A. Seminars of 3 hours each, including a working activity by group of students (Quiz)

A. Seminars of 3 hours each, including a working activity by group of students (Quiz)

Introduction : the importance of islands in Humanities and environmental sciences

Islands natural laboratories to understand ecological and evolutionary processes with a focus on Mascarene islands

Patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity loss in islands : loss of biotic interactions and its consequences on ecosystems function

How global changes work in synergy and impact island socio-ecosystems (land use changes, habitat fragmentation, biological invasions, climate changes, …)

Massive invasions of non-native species : implications for biodiversity and management issues in oceanic islands

Resilience of island ecosystem through time : changes during the Holocene – and the future of islands in the Anthropocene

Lectures will be based on case studies on Biological Conservation topics including management issues, decision-makers and stakeholders implication, socio-economical debates or conflicts.

Thème general : la vulnérabilité des écosystèmes insulaires (isolés), expliquer, protéger (UE), restaurer

Islands as natural laboratories to understand ecological and evolutionary processes with a focus on Mascarene islands

Patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity loss in islands : extinctions
Loss of biotic interactions and its consequences on ecosystems function : Frugivores

How global changes work in synergy and impact island socio-ecosystems (land use changes, habitat fragmentation, biological invasions, climate changes, …) :

Massive invasions of non-native species : implications for biodiversity and management issues in oceanic islands

Resilience of island ecosystem through time : changes during the Holocene

Five Lectures of 2 hours based on case studies on Biological Conservation topics including management issues, decision-makers and stakeholders implication, socio-economical debates or conflicts.


LIFE+ forêts sèches – Savanes

Feux du Maido, l’élevage, le parc national

Risques naturels, PIROI, Volcan, cours de Laurent

Sociologie – Ajonc,


Abattage des Roussettes, conflits Homme Animal (cours de Sébastien Jaquemet)

La mouche bleue – l’apiculture





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