APOCALYPSE or NEW DAWN? Social mobility and education in the post-Covid era
Da: Lunedì 13 dicembre 2021 ore 17:00
Fino a: Lunedì 13 dicembre 2021 ore 18:45

Lunedì 13 dicembre 2021 | ore 17:00
Campus Luigi Einaudi – Aula H2, palazzina d4 - II piano
Lungo Dora Siena 100/A - Torino
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Social mobility and education in the post-Covid era
prof. Lee Elliot Major, University of Exeter
Introduce il Prof. Michele Graziadei, Vice Presidente SSST
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed and exacerbated troubling trends in societal inequalities observed over recent decades. Despite increasing talk by politicians about improving equality of opportunity many developed countries are experiencing low and even declining levels of social mobility.
What can we do inside and outside education to create a society where talent and hard work determine life prospects rather than who you are born to or where you come from? Failure to improve life chances now will only store up greater societal problems for the future generations.